Sunday, July 20, 2008

Typhoon has arrived in Korea!

Well, the typhoon has made land and we are getting some serious wind and rain. The storm is quite beautiful coming across Namsan Mtn. and the rain is intermittent and varies in intensity. This morning...we had 'sheets' of rain falling...we were unable to see past the deck. We read the news about the helicopter crash here in Seoul...and can see why they made an emergency landing in this weather...Rev. Sun Myung Moon "Moonies" must have really been saying some prayers...:-) I read that they performed an x-ray and found no in Korea...regardless of the injury (almost) they perform an x-ray and you receive an IV. We still see people walking up and the down the streets, in restaurants, arcades...all with IV's and their hospital issued attire. I will try to get a picture of this...
I chuckled at my last post...listing all of the things we were going to do on Friday...sometimes I forget that everything takes a little more time here in Korea...traffic etc. We did make it to the USO and met with our nice travel agent. We also scouted around the place and found you are able to buy US US prices (amazing)...I may have noted previously that a People Magazine would run about 18.00-20.00 here in Korea.
There is also a large screen TV with several additional channels in English. We found that FOX, ABC, NBC etc often provide some TV shows and News Broadcasts at little or no cost to the that's a good thing. We did watch part of "Hannity & Colmes" while checking out the area. The USO relies solely on donations and it looks like they are doing a great service for the Men and Women in uniform. It was small and simple but a good resource area for both civilians and service members alike.
We did make it to Costco...always an adventure. :-) I just would not attempt this on my I don't drive or have a that would be a challenge. This is really a two person job...and one of the two needs to be strong and agile...:-) We did find a new computer chair and stocked up on many basics. It's always a challenge exiting Costco. You must line-up with your cart/receipt and they will assign an elevator to you so you can get to your parking level...pray you can remember which level...:-) Well, one of the ladies in the cart behind us REALLY wanted to join us on the you 'gently' tapped us with her cart and knocked my sandal off...I squealed but was NOT injured (for once) ....she apologized in Korean and I told her "no problem" in least that's what I think I said...
Well, we just looked out the window again...and it is a complete downpour. I have never experienced continual rain/weather like this's pretty interesting! We met Rogelio for lunch (during a brief break in the weather) at "Marakech Night" ....the Chef/Owner is the former Chef of the Moroccan Ambassador to Seoul....very tasty. He stayed in Seoul when there was an Ambassador transition...and now has two restaurants.
The flower picture included in this posting is from a flower design competition...this was a prize winner with several ribbons noted. This photo was from the Buddha's Birthday festivities. It was an amazing display. I hope to take one of the following classes in the Fall through SIWA...Asian, Japanese or Korean Flower Design...who knows...maybe we will be able to put together our own little "Asian Floral Garden" in Michigan!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see you survived the typhoon and both are doing well. Michigan's loss is certainly S. Korea's gain - you're bringing them you're unique energy!!!
Keep in touch, eh!
Roger and Danny