Wednesday, July 23, 2008

An Eventful Bus ride.....

The photo with this posting is a very famous tree near one of the temples. Notice the branches on the left are "trimmed" quite a bit. The story behind this tree...many moons of the Kings rode his carriage in this area and it would hit the he had his assistants do a real number on this tree. The plaque near the tree told this story and although the tree has always maintained this shape. If you have lived in Seoul more than 3 discover there are many "famous" places....and people. This is one of those places.....:-)

I wish I had a photo from my very first subway excursion (on my own) to meet Hannah and Jennifer for dinner. Hannah said she would try to take a picture of the busiest subway times for me to post. There were two train transitions but I allowed plenty of time and it went really well. I kept that map clinched in my no one doubted my 'green-horn' status on the ride. The subway goes above ground to cross the Hangam really is was a nice ride. It was really busy once I got off at the final stop. I waited for the gals at exit 7 (above ground) and we had a really fun dinner. Hannah had brought my "Cuckoo" Rice Cooker Manual that she had now I can expand the usage. They wanted to know how my Korean lessons were going...and they liked the fact that I can write my name and say a few things...:-) I practiced with them some basics like "More water please"....It's always funny meeting people for dinner. We really like to go to Korean restaurants and the Koreans really enjoy the Western Style and Italian places. "Italian Wine Bistros" are a real hit over here....they love the pasta..but prefer it to be cooked a bit more than we usually do. I think they like the consistency of the clear noodles...which are alot softer. During the dinner we also talked about some other routes I should attempt on the subway...and they showed me where they lived on the map. Very long rides to work on the subway (but not as long as Chris' commute by car daily).

The real highlight of the evening came as we were walking back to the subway...the gals thought I should consider taking the bus home vs. subway...they didn't want me making the walk from the subway station to the apt. alone...they even offered to ride the bus with me then catch the subway from there...but that would have be SO out of their way. I told me find the proper Bus number ...and as long as no transfers are required I will give it a try. Then we spotted a very tall/blond fellow listening to his ipod. The place was packed with Korean students leaving a language was packed. The bus entry was actually in the middle of about 5 lanes of traffic on each side...and the bus lanes are painted bright red...for buses only. If you are the unlucky driver of a car in a bus must have a death wish...they do not stop for anything! The nice fellow spotted Hannah and Jennifer coaching me...and asked where I was headed...luckily we needed the same bus number and he offered to make sure I made it....Hannah and Jennifer looked very relieved! When the bus came they stood in the crowd waving...I think they were was about 9:45pm. I hopped on the bus and it turns out the fellow was from Manitoba and had lived here for 2 years with his wife teaching English. I said "wow...another Canuck!" and he corrected my pronuciation...haha...I told him about living near Windsor and having some Canadian buddies.... all was well until the bus took off at TOP speed and raced across the bridge...I have no idea how fast we were going but I was holding on for dear life...I really didn't want to make a spectacle out of myself...especially in front of the Canadian...but when the bus seemed to leap across the bridge and take a very hard right turn...I thought I was in trouble...and also wished I hadn't worn my wedge sandals! :-) Finally made it to my stop (aka screeching halt) and said goodbye. At least I was familiar with the area and began walking home. Chris had called my cell while I was on the whirling dervish.. and unable to I called him back. He had just finished a conference call 10:00...and requested a Mondu from the local Chinese- Fusion place. They were closing but whipped up a quick one for us...and only good price. :-) Honestly, my neck was pretty sore this morning...but much better now. I need to keep exercising if I plan on hitching a ride on that bus route again!

Here is a little "Turkish" update. I mentioned these jovial fellows in a previous post. I stopped by the market for some lettuce/veggies and thought a Kabob might give me some strength...they greeted me as I tripped in the doorway "You move too must be hungry"....:-) They then got into a little heated exchange (I think the owners are brothers and 2 various other fellows...) and the phrase of the day (this was the only part of the exchange in English)...."Calm yourself man!" Always entertaining....I wish I would do the accent for you guys.....