Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dan Cheong Example

This photo was taken during another temple viewing and is a great example of Dan Cheong. The designs and colors have changed over the years but most typical colors are: azure, red, yellow, white and black. This was the ceiling of a small post we climbed that housed a large wooden fish, bell and a drum. We just thought the design and colors were really nice and delicate. This temple is located in the mountains near Seoul...not the same location where the large Buddha is located from the other pictures. We did have lunch (hot noodles with Kimchi sprinkled in the broth) with the monks. Actually, the monks ate behind a curtain but in the same room....and I was thankful for my prior chopsticks experience...those noodles can be slippery! "Slurping" is completely acceptable over here...in fact...while eating noodles you bend your head forward over the bowl (good thing I had that surgery) lift the noodles to your mouth and slurp and you guide the noodles with the chopsticks. I will take a picture of Chris and let him demonstrate next time...
Today I ran a few errands and stopped by our favorite Turkish Kabob place....they are quite proud to be Turkish and always wear a shirt with a Turkish flag. Two choices...lamb or chicken...and we always ask for spicy! I had lamb today...super. I told him how much we enjoyed the Kabob's last time we stopped and he said "The Kabob's are always good here!!" I think there is some heated competition between a few of these Kabob places...but the Turkish is our favorite....and most friendly.
I saw a Nanny (pretty sure about that) with some type of foreigner child/very pale...probably about 3 ....he had a 'play' drill in his hand and was going around 'shooting' people on the sidewalk with his drill. I was waiting to cross the street and he walked up and went "pow" 'pow" with his drill (I guess at his age a pistol and drill seem similar)...his Nanny came and said "Nasty little boy" "Nasty little boy"...she took the drill and they continued on....he ran with his arms dangling like a little monkey....she didn't seem a bit concerned that he could run out into traffic....:-)
Today it is hot but you can breathe....and there is a nice breeze. Yesterday you could see the humidity hanging in the air. The Turkish fellow said yesterday was his day off (they are closed Mondays) and said "I did not stick my head out in the horrid heat"....:-) Hope your Summer is a Happy versus Horrid one....Enjoy!!!!

1 comment:

Barbara Thomson said...

Fun to hear your description of the little boy trying to shoot you. Great job with creating lasting memories for you and Chris!

We are going up to the U.P. this Sat. for maybe 5 days. Matt might need to come back to work or therapy. We will see how things go.

Great to hear about your adventures!!!

Love - Barb

I saw Sam at the hospital today!!!