Friday, March 27, 2009

Asian Flowers 3/27/09

Today I had a private lesson with Hea Sook. The Swedish gal was a 'no-show', Dorie is in Thailand, and our sweet Korean/Australian student was it was an excellent opportunity for learning and detailed instruction. Today's style was called "Cross Style" is similar to the "Slanted Style" from a few weeks ago. You alternate stem placement between two primary focal points and just go back and forth with your support stems. The picture doesn't really show the really turned out with a delicate feel. I like the cascading /arched white flowers...but I am not sure the name. We spent a lot of time doing 'branch preparation'...this it the part I really need to work on...I have found it is absolutely crucial to a nice finished product! She was really pleased with my placement of last weeks orchids in 3 small containers...I should have taken a photo of those also!
This week has really gone well. I continue to enjoy working at the school on Wednesdays. This week I wore a yellow 'smock' with kittens on the front and little dead fish bones on the's funny and very similar to what the Korean teachers wear. The other teachers and a few of the students said "cute, very cute"...or 'wow...yellow'...:-) One of the Canadian guys said "looks like you are fitting right in"...:-) I try to always rotate who I sit by for lunch. Today I sat by one of the little boys who enjoys telling me lots of 'secrets'...I'm sure they are really interesting...maybe I will have a better idea once I learn a bit more Korean! Mom and Dad said he was probably telling on someone...I wouldn't doubt it! I have noticed that many of the kids that seemed to have difficulty taking direction and listening are doing so much better. They are really getting into the routine and seem to be not only enjoying the classes but participating as well. The little gal whose parents reported that she had never spoken has started to speak a bit. She LOVED the books that I borrowed from Dorie...especially "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!" For our music class I brought two books with a story...then the words with music in the back..."This little light of mine" and "She'll be comin' round the mountain'...the kids absolutely loved them...and were really catching on...we even took the 'little light' to the next level and brought in the verse with "hide it under a bushel..NO"....even the little boy who spends the majority of his day in some type of punishment participated somewhat. Sometimes, he really does funny things...especially during the swimming lessons. The Korean lady that yelled at me for daring to wear my swimsuit in the shower was back for more. When she walked into the dressing room this time she decided to give me a little shove. I was just standing in front of my locker...minding my own business..putting on my swimsuit. I just ignore her and stay focused on other 21 little ones in matching suits, caps and goggles! :-) I have met a nice Korean gal that swims laps during our lesson time. She insisted I use her shampoo and body wash last week when the bag I had brought (including towel ) was misplaced...have you ever used a hairdryer to dry yourself after a shower? Glad there was no video of that one! ;-)
The primary teacher pulled me aside this week with new instructions...greet all of the parents in the mornings during drop-off time, take all the kids to the restroom to give them one-on-one time with me, and say goodbye to each child at the end of the day (not just the Monkeys). I think it's a good sign that they want to utilize me more...especially with the parents. And even the bathroom breaks will be a good time to expose them to some English and increase their comfort level with foreigners (I hope so). The kids really are characters and I am so happy to be a part of this program...I may increase my hours this Summer. I still believe that lunch time is one of the most interesting hours of the day......I'm learning all kinds of new Korean words...:-) Speaking of Korean....our lessons are going well...conjugating verbs!
Next week I will start back with a Pilates Studio here in Seoul. I haven't returned to Pilates (which I love) since my neck injury...I don't plan on doing any major 'roll-ups' onto my neck...but it will be so nice to get back onto the 'Cadillac' again!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love the flowers with the water. Let me know how pilates goes.