Monday, August 11, 2008

Calling all Buckeyes!

The weather was super on Sunday (although still really humid)...less hazy. There was one cloud burst on Saturday the rainy season seems to be slowing down. On Saturday walked to Itaewon and saw a store that usually carries clothes from Marshall's, TJ Max, Macy's ...then raises the prices about 200%. Well, this day the sign said "85% off" store wide. We couldn't resist. The place was packed with Buckeye, Ohio State, Eddie George, A.J. Hawk and BCS Championship t-shirts. I thought Florida won but I might be confused....:-) We did find one lone T-shirt with Michigan/Ohio State Football helmets crashing into the other and saying "Greatest Rivalry on Earth"....we snatched it right up! Some lucky Wolverine fan will be receiving this gem for Christmas! haha. Anyway, as we stood looking through all of these shirts....all we could think of was "do we know any Buckeye fans?" I would have picked a few up but could only think of a few Bearcat fans. As we walked out of the store (with our purchase) we just kept saying too bad we don't know any Buckeye' won't believe what happened next...and Chris is my witness that this happened. Two blocks from the store we were waiting for the light to change and I looked to my left. There was a guy wearing a white "BUCKEYE" ball cap with little letters "Cleveland"....I walked over to him (Chris told me it was another type of Buckeye but I was determined :-) and told him about the great 5.00 dollar t-shirts and pulled mine out of the bag to show him....he got really excited...grabbed his Korean wife by the hand and they shot off in the direction of the store! I was so happy....if someone had spotted a great deal on cool UK shirts or Peyton Manning gear...I would hope they would share the info with me! :-) Seriously, if anyone has a special lil' Buckeye that needs a 5.00 dollar t-shirt just let me know and I will pick up a few. The shirts were high quality and unique...just the wrong team!
The picture with this post is from a Hindu Temple in Singapore. We removed our shoes and really saw some interesting things while walking around. This temple was completely different from the one in Bali. Lots of colors/statues/incense/amazing ceiling paintings and building design. You may be able to see the red marks on our foreheads. For some reason (I hope for good reasons) we were the only foreigner type people called over for the blessing. I'm really not sure why we were selected but we thought a blessing sounded good and appreciated it. I will post a picture of the fellow that gave us the mark on the blog also. He was very nice. The gal taking this picture was Japanese. I was surprised that she appeared to be traveling alone. I don't want to make generalizations...but oftentimes the Asians travel in 'packs'....similar to when they travel to the US. Our friend Hannah said they travel in these groups for several reasons...excellent group booking prices from Korea, very limited time to see a particular sight so move in a herd type formation and they don't really mind being in a crowd. She said most Koreans think of the US as " DC, LA, Grand Canyon, and NY"....

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